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Carman Governance

On November 18, 2018, the congregation of Carman United Church approved a new governance structure for a trial of 2 years to be implemented at our Annual Meeting in February.

Our new structure does not differ greatly from our current one, except that we will have a smaller board and increased communication with more developed committees.

Below are the committees and brief descriptions, if you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact the office or a member of the nominating committee. Members of the committee are Rev. Nick Phillips, Joyce Gardner, Grace Jones, Pat MacLeod and Shirley Voutier.

Church Council

The Church Council will be the primary decision making body of the church. It will consist of the following 10-12 members: Council Chair, Council Secretary, Ministry Personnel, Treasurer, Committee representatives (see below), Regional Representatives chosen by the church (2), and one member at large.

The Church Council develops policy and plans that are implemented by various committees and  groups of the congregation. The church determines the organization and duties of Council committees and elects from among the members and adherents of the pastoral charge people to serve on the committees. It will also communicate with other courts of the church as required by the United Church of Canada.

Term appointments are made to the Church Council of 3 years with the option to renew for one additional 3 year term. Exceptions may be made for critical roles of the church, such as the position of Treasurer, where particular skills and experience are required.

The Church Council will meet monthly, or as required, to do the work assigned to it.

Committees of the Pastoral Charge

Committees of the church are made up of members and adherents who have gifts and skills which will contribute to the work of the particular committee they serve on as well as contribute to the overall life of the church.

The committees will act in the best interests of the church by doing the work assigned to it by the church and Church Council, which may include the work described for each committee below.

Most committees will appoint a representative to the Church Council, which may or may not be the chair. This person will serve a 3 year term on Church Council with the option to renew for one additional 3 year term.

Committees of the Pastoral Charge will include:

Ministry and Personnel (M&P)

The M&P committee will consist of 3-5 members and will oversee the relationship of all staff with the church as described by the current Manual of the United Church of Canada and associated handbooks produced by the United Church of Canada. The committee will meet at least quarterly.


The Trustees Committee will consist of 5 or more members who will oversee the buildings and property under management of the church. It’s duties will include Property Management and Maintenance, Capital Planning, Rentals, and other activities as per the Trustees Handbook of the United Church of Canada. The Trustees will meet at least quarterly and produce regular reports on the state of property owned by the pastoral charge, as well and budgeting of maintenance and other requirements of said property to be part of the annual budget presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pastoral Charge.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee oversees the financial life of the church. It will consists of 5 or more members, including the Pastoral Charge Treasurer. It oversees and manages the investments and bank accounts of the Pastoral Charge, Memorial Funds, M&S Giving, Envelope giving, fundraising, the payment of staff salaries, as well as Church Statistics and other duties as per the direction of the United Church of Canada and the Financial Handbook of the United Church of Canada. This committee will meet at least quarterly with the recommendation to meet monthly.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee will oversee the Spiritual Life of the church. It will consists of 5 or more members and make decisions regarding worship, sacraments, weddings, funerals, pulpit supply, special services, membership roles, readers and ushers as well as any other duties assigned to it by the church. The choir will be represented on this committee by an individual chosen by the choir. This committee will meet monthly or as required.

Christian Education

Christian Education will report to the Worship Committee and will oversee Christian Education in the church including Sunday School, Youth Programs, Bible Studies, Spiritual Workshops and other activities assigned to it by the church, Church Council, or Worship Committee. This committee will consist of 4 or more members. This committee will meet at least quarterly.

United Church Women (UCW)

The United Church Women have traditionally provided a significant contribution to the church. They will continue to exist as they do today, their representation on the Church Council will be determined through discussion with the UCW and it’s leadership on an ongoing basis. Traditionally the UCW have not had an official position in previous incarnations of governance in this church.

Other Committees

There may be the need for other committees or project teams to be formed by the church. These may include Outreach, Special Events, or others as the church, or Church Council sees the need. These committees will report to the Church Council, but will not have official representation. These committees will set their own meeting schedule as required to do the work assigned to them.