Welcome To Carman

Family. Faith. Fun!

Service for March 29, 2020

A shortened service of worship during the COVID-19 pandemic from Carman United Church.

If you wish to join us for our Tuesday – Friday Zoom check-ins and prayer, join with us this week at: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/411948829?pwd=TXp3TlRkejJIUU5odWVxcTVUczV2UT09

To donate online:
You may use e-transfer, send to donate@carmanunited.ca
Or donate online through http://carmanunited.ca/donate/

Also, please feel free to sign up for our Newsletter where we will send you information and resources as we go through this time together: http://carmanunited.ca/newsletter/

Blessings to all! Be safe and healthy!